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Here is a list of our top films so far!
(film review site: Fusillade)

부산행 (Train to Busan) (2016)

A Korean summer hit that gives the ‘Z’ word a good name.


君の名は。(Your Name) (2016)


“Treasure the experience. Dreams fade away after you wake up.”


Zootopia (2016)


Does Disney even need Pixar anymore? No, no they don’t.


Inside Out (2015)


Does being [the best] Pixar film by default make it the best movie of all time? -Alex


John Wick (2014)


Anti-aging Keanu Reeves is back in top form in this modern cult classic.


Gravity (2013)


Sandra Bullock’s best film to date that will leave you gasping for air.


Toy Story 3 (2010)


The third installment of Pixar’s iconic series, Toy Story 3, has ensured Pixar will continue to infinity and beyond.


The Dark Knight (2008)


The only flaw in The Dark Knight is that Katie Holmes was replaced.


Hot Fuzz (2007)


Next time you go to the market, make sure to pick up the best of the Cornetto trilogy.


The Incredibles (2004)


The Incredibles is an animated film by Pixar that is truly, for the whole family.


올드보이 (Oldboy) (2003)


One of the most popular films fueled with intense revenge, Oldboy had Hollywood scrambling for a remake.


살인의 추억 (Memories of Murder) (2003)


A crime mystery that embraces drama and suspense from beginning to end, leaving both its characters and viewers itching for more.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)


A precious film, The Fellowship of the Ring embarks the epic quest that makes even Pirates of the Caribbean look uneventful.


엽기적인 그녀 (My Sassy Girl) (2001)


My Sassy Girl gives romantic comedies a good name and displays the artistic depth of the Korean movie industry.


Memento (2000)


.works his of brilliance the show to goes which, list this on one second his is and films first Nolan’s of one is Memento


The Matrix (1999)


Despite the now, outdated graphics, The Matrix gave popularity to the bullet time special effect.

Pulp Fiction (1994)

It's all about the signature dialogue, violence, non-linear storylines, and truck shot camera angles. Oh, and be cool.

Reservoir Dogs (1992)


Reservoir Dogs is one of Quentin Tarantino’s first major features and arguably one of his best to date.


おもひでぽろぽろ (Only Yesterday) (1991)


Studio Ghibli is another animation company with countless, emotionally enriching stories. Only Yesterday shows the illustrative power of anime.


Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991)


Not only is T2 the height of Linda Hamilton’s acting career, it’s also the height of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s as well.


魔女の宅急便 (Kiki’s Delivery Service) (1989)


One of the best coming-of-age films of all time that easily rivals Miyazaki’s other iconic pieces without the need of violence or the bizarre.


Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (1977)


Easily considered as the greatest in the franchise, A New Hope brings life to a classic story well ahead of its time.


The Godfather (1972)


The Godfather is the perfect film. I respect it and it is my friend.


Honorable Mentions

Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (2014)

Interstellar (2014)

Whiplash (2014)

風立ちぬ (The Wind Rises) (2013)

신세계 (New World) (2013)

Inception (2010)

마더 (Mother) (2009)

There Will Be Blood (2007)

Ratatouille (2007)

The Prestige (2006)

The Machinist (2004)

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)

Toy Story (1995)

Rain Man (1988)

火垂るの墓 (Grave of the Fireflies) (1988)

The Godfather: Part II (1974)

Psycho (1960)

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