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I’ll Cry For You (Completed Warm Up)

“Get in.” She reaches over and opens the passenger side door. But James continues walking as if pretending to not hear or see her. “I said, get in.” This time she’s sure he’s heard her.

Without slowing or stopping, James glances at her from the corners of his eyes and starts to sprint along the side of the barren road.

“That bastard.” She relinquishes the modest pressure she’s been applying to the brakes and chases after him, but carefully as to not accidentally run him over.


His winter coat and childhood suit restrict his movements, keeping his arms steady at his sides while his legs work overtime. He’s listening to his favorite pop artist, but soon the music is overtaken by his panting as his headphones slide down the back of his head, hugging his neck. Tiffany honks the horn and pleads for him to stop, to be rational.

He can feel himself slowing down. Cold sweat gathers at the edge of his hairline, threatening to jump down his face. After a few more steps, his body chooses to stop, and he rests with his back bent forward, hands on knees, as he wipes the suicidal droplets with his sleeves. He was never the athletic type.


She manages to pull up next to James and get out before he starts off again. Even though she’s more than a decade older than he is, you could still see the resemblance. Their golden brown eyes are emphasized by their thick brows. Their sharp noses align perfectly with their straight sets of teeth. And in the cool winter sun, their hair shines with a hint of blue.

“James, don’t be like this,” she says as she inches closer to him. “It’s just you and me.” She places her hand on his shoulder as he stands up to face her.


He looks Tiffany in the eye and can tell she’s been holding back tears for a while now; her eyes are swollen but not red. The tacky netted veil hanging from her hat doesn’t conceal much. She shivers in her long black dress, so he takes off his coat and gives it to her.


He nods.

After she slings on the coat she says, “You can’t go running off like that on your own.”

He nods again.

“Are you all right?”

He nods once more, but this nod is followed by a tear. And in an effort to mask his sorrow, he continues to nod, but with each nod, another tear follows.


It’s been difficult for her to hold back her tears for James’s sake, and this moment proves to be the most difficult yet. She wants to kick herself for asking if he’s all right—of course he isn’t. She only hoped he’d find solace in her voice. She tries mashing one foot under the heel of the other, hoping maybe the pain will distract her enough not to cry.

“Come on, let’s go back,” she says as her eyes water due to the pain. “You can drive.” She throws the keys at James, who catches it in his arms.


He stares at the keys as tears now rush down his face, falling off of his pointed chin. He wants to curse at the metal skeletons, but he doesn’t. He knows these aren’t the ones responsible for their deaths. He knows this car isn’t the one responsible.

He looks back up at Tiffany and gives her a wan smile. “I’d rather walk.” And he turns from her, dropping his arms, and walks down the path.


She hears the impact of the keys on the asphalt before she sees them. She walks towards the alloy chains, but instead stopping to pick them up, she follows her brother, leaving behind the church, knowing the hearses will soon follow.

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